Join Wired Wessex

    Join Now

    Please complete the following form to become a member of Wired Wessex.
    Once registered you will also be able to register your organisation.

    1. Your personal contact information

    Your contact information is used for Wired Wessex administration purposes only. It will not appear in the Directory of Members on the web site.


      Name *

      Telephone *

      E-mail address *

      Fax Number


      Address *

      Postcode *

      Website address

      Check here if you do not want to receive weekly newsletters.

      2. Your Account

      Please type in a username and password of your own choice. Once your subscription is approved you will be able to use these to login to the site. Here you will be able to post job vacancies, news items, access the forums and amend details of your profile.

        Username *

        Password *

        Confirm password *

        Password hint question

        This is to help you if you forget your password.

        Password hint answer

        A short answer to your hint question.

        Where did you first hear of Wired Wessex

        3. Submit


        I have read and understand the terms and conditions.